Living Luxury Real Estate

Living Luxury Real Estate

Links > About us


I decided to roll up my sleeves and start a new adventure at one of the many real estate agencies in Florence, my plan was to change my life by learning the trade and building my career within the agency. 

After a few years, I realized that I would never become the professional I wanted, so I decided to deepen my studies of the real estate market, thus discovering other working methods.

In the middle of the Covid period I started Living Luxury Real Estate and through a new professional method and the great support of reliable collaborators, we were able to distinguish ourselves with the results, maintaining a surprising growth."


In these years there has been a great increase of "connoisseurs" in the real estate sector, for this reason we decided to ask, to you that you are reading, an opinion about it.

The interviews have produced clear and alarming results, because the role of the Real Estate Agent is associated with that of the old matchmaker, with an undesirable profession and is seen as a profiteer, But we, despite our prejudices, have moved on, overcoming obstacles.

We have rid ourselves of the old and still now conception of the profession, we have inserted you at the center of our PHILOSOPHY of common thought, offering you new more advantageous opportunities to arrive at the desired result.

This has been possible only through the respect of the THREE PIVOTAL POINTS of our method:


Everything starts from this precise moment, we listen carefully to your needs and do what is necessary to meet them as soon as possible, proposing solutions and interfacing with the perfect consultant.


We respect your space! By protecting your person and that of your loved ones, we provide you with all kinds of support to solve your problems, without exposing yourself and maintaining your complete confidentiality, both in the Sale and Purchase phase.


We will accompany you in all the steps that make up a market negotiation, from research to notary and even later, alongside you with our wide network of collaborations. From the first moment you will have a clear idea of our Added Value and we will valorize every detail of your real estate, making the buyer feel all the sensations.


With the name Living Luxury Real Estate we fully represent our philosophy and work processes. Regardless of the type of property, we want you to live a special experience during one of the most important moments of your life, offering you more attention, following you throughout the process of buying and selling and we will easily get your desired result.



The Purchase and Sale of the house represent one of the most important moments of your life, for this reason you have to rely on a professional expert in real estate brokerage able to assist you in the various steps, from the determination of the value of the property to the proposed sale. 

You can achieve all this by contacting Living and through collaborations we guarantee that we will make a transparent Purchase and Sale path.

Discover your reserved services:

  • Consulenza Immobiliare
  • Consulenza Tecnica
  • Consulenza Fiscale
  • Consulenza Finanziaria
  • Notary Consulting
  • Specific and Customized Search
  • Support Foreign Citizens
  • Support for the Rods
  • Periodic Reports
  • Mortgages
  • Technical Report
  • Energy Certification APE
  • Tax advantages
  • Ecobonus
  • Professional Photo Book
  • Video Professionale
  • Marketing
  • Control of the Building
  • Customer Control
  • External Collaborations
  • Professional Evaluation
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